Letitia McGuinness’s application communicated her great passion for education and her dedication to helping the world around her. We are proud to honor this inspiring woman with the December 2012 Community College Scholarship.
Throughout her life, Letitia has been told that she couldn't attend college. First, by her family, when they were unable to afford to send her to college after high school graduation, and later, by her partner, who did not support her academic dreams. Despite these obstacles, Letitia is currently attending San Diego City College with the hope of earning a degree in social work/gerontology. The difficult decision she made to attend college left her with little financial support, but Letitia remains confident that with her education, she will be able to provide a better life for herself.
It is clear that Letitia has a passion for helping others. After working in the non-profit sphere for over 15 years and working her way up to a management position, Letitia was let go, due to downsizing. She quickly realized that she would need to get a better education in order to continue her work to help others. She hopes that with her degree in gerontology, she will be able to help the aging baby boomers of San Diego.
“I enjoy learning and using the knowledge I receive to help others... I really enjoy helping others to help themselves and have seen countless women change their lives. When I got let go, I thought: It’s my turn.”