Our scholarship committee is pleased to announce that we have selected two $2,500 scholarship winners in the month of August! The Community College Scholarship is being awarded to Crystal Storhaug of Kilian Community College. The second $2,500 scholarship went to Tyler Vitiello of Montclair State University, whose unique story of overcoming a neck injury and learning to walk again captivated all of us here at SR Education Group.
“I was so excited to learn I won this scholarship,” said Crystal Storhaug, the Community College Scholarship Winner. “I make sacrifices in my life so that I am able to go to school because I know in the end it will be worth it.” Crystal has dedicated her life to helping others overcome addiction after watching a close family member struggle with alcoholism. She is majoring in Chemical Dependency Counseling at Kilian Community College and working her way through school.
“After my accident, I lost all my football scholarships and was paralyzed at the same time. I thought I had lost everything,” said Tyler Vitiello. “It has been a constant battle to find help for school and my health care. Thank you very much for helping me with my tuition!” Due to his unique experiences, Tyler plans on earning his PhD in in Clinical Psychology, with a specialty in Neuropsychology. He has made the Dean’s list at Montclair State University three times now and hopes to graduate in 2016.
There were five outstanding finalists who did not win our August 2015 Community College Scholarship. To recognize that there are still many students who need help, we decided to award each finalist $100! These candidates have faced a variety of personal and financial hardships, and each has dependents for whom they are working to provide a stable future. "I struggle every day to make sure we have all that we need. If I were to get this scholarship it would enable me to focus more on studying and less on worrying,” said one finalist. The five finalists for the Community College Scholarship were: Brittany Flint, Susan Galpin, Erin Mills, Ivana Old Elk, and Christi Williams.
We are offering two needs-based $2,500 scholarships for full-time students attending community college. The next deadline for the Community College Scholarships is December 5, 2015. There is also a $5,000 needs-based graduate scholarship meant for teachers returning to school to further their careers. The deadline for the Graduate Scholarship for Teachers is January 5, 2016. We plan to give away $35,000 in scholarships in 2016. Good luck to everyone who applies! Find out more athttp://www.sreducationgroup.org/#scholarships