We are proud to announce Ben Hansen, a welding student from Snow College, as the April 2013 Community College Scholarship winner. Ben demonstrated in his scholarship application a strong work ethic and motivation to succeed. It is clear Ben has a big heart and that his success will positively influence the lives of his friends and family.
After graduating from high school, Ben entered the workforce instead of immediately attending college. This experience gave Ben the opportunity to figure out what he was good at and gave him the chance to realize his passion. After working in the Utah construction industry, Ben has decided to go to college to expand his skills and learn welding. Ben's choice to study welding is both practical and based upon a commitment to the field. His hope is that this will be a lucrative and challenging field, where he will get a "sense of accomplishment out of making something useful that didn't exist before."
While Ben and his family do not have much in terms of financial security, Ben is hoping that his education will help alleviate the burden. With his parents currently experiencing unemployment, and his fiancee looking to complete her high school diploma after time spent caring for her own family, Ben has little financial support. However, it is clear from his application that Ben is grateful for all the opportunities he has been afforded and will make the most out of his education. We are proud to be able to help him along his journey.
[My father] raised me to have a strong work ethic and a devotion to the task at hand, both of which have been a great benefit in my life...I believe that having a career which lifts me up and brings me fulfillment will go a long way towards bringing peace into my home.
If you did not win this scholarship round, we are still accepting applications for the Make A Difference Scholarship, closing May 31st. We are also accepting applications for the June 2013 Community College Scholarship.